Technical podcasts for leaders

OpenOut Extra Podcasts

These podcasts  are more technical in content (and less polished in delivery!).  They are kind of like an owners manual for a stove  – helpful if you are installing, but not as much fun as actually cooking something. While anyone who wishes can download and listen, particularly if they want to explore a theme more deeply – they are really designed for group leaders who are wishing to adapt the Open Out podcasts to use in study groups, workshops, retreats, etc.  They vary in length and format)

Extra 1: This initial Extra provides more information on the (progressive/developmental) structure of the Open Out series, as well as more in-depth information on the transformation process at Knox Winnipeg. It also gives a more in-depth look at the Stages of Change model, and how it is used in this series.

Extra 2: This episode, in preparation for Curious 2, provides more information on using demographic information in group situations, and probes a bit deeper into diversity itself. Also includes how to use demographic information in a faith-based context, while remaining anchored in grassroots living (i.e. not escaping into the relative safety of academic/intellectual musing).

Extra 3: This episode looks at the challenges of engaging in difficult discussions – in preparation for Curious 3, and the reality of church attendance/participation decline. How to face reality unapologetically, and yet manage to both encourage hope and avoid despair.  Because clergy have their livelihood tied to the wellness of the institution itself, these are particularly challenging conversations for clergy to lead (or even to participate in fearlessly). Exploring more deeply relationship between increasing cohesion and variation.We look in more detail at different patterns of cultural diversity within a faith community (bi-cultural, congregation within a congregation, etc.)

Extra 4. This episode will pick up on themes in Extra 3 and offers resources to faith leaders in discernment processes and ways to engage open conversations without getting paralyzed if there is a lack of consensus. We will look more closely at how to use the Levels of Welcome in a group context – as well as how leaders can help participants consider moving further in the levels

Extra 5. Suggestions on helping leaders deal with sensitive issues of privilege and race, using a restructuring cognition approach. Link between grace & truth.  Also how to use the Readiness tool in group settings. 

Extra 6. Tools to equip congregational and group leaders to lead through change – understanding the change process (their role, members’ needs, etc.), how to use the Levels of Agreement tool in decision-making / developing consensus, difference between a problem to solve and a values continuum to be managed.

Extra 7. The challenge of vulnerable leadership – operating out of dependency on grace on others’ offerings (cf Elijah and the raven / woman gathering sticks). Focus includes helping clergy (and other ministerial staff) with concept of giving up power/role. Linked to decolonization. The bliss of insufficient leadership.

Extra 8. Preparing a community that feels, more or less, ready to start welcoming a wider, more diverse group of people than it welcomed in the past. General tips. Plus specific info on this series and how it can be used – how, for example, Implict/Unconscious Bias and the indexes of cultural difference connect, and how these can directly impact everyday folk in a faith community context.

Extra 9. More specific information on how to use Implicit Bias in group contexts – including how to practice & use NAIL (Committed 3 podcast). Presents examples that can be used in group contexts – questions for breakout groups etc.

Extra 9 1/2. Full interview with expert in Implicit/Unconscious Bias.  (Tentative)

Extra 10. More in-depth presentation of Hofstede’s 6 Dimensions of Culture – and the critical importance of understanding collectivism-individualism.

Extra 11. Leading intercultural worship 1. This is the first of two Extras providing new ways of creating and understanding worship interculturally.  Uses insights and concepts from South African townships (liminal worship) as well as from developmental frameworks. Liturgy, ritual and active participation.

Extra 12. Leading intercultural worship 2. Here we focus on music (as well as dance, etc.) and it’s role in intercultural worship. Will include interviews with Bruce Harding and others.

Extra 13. Using critical incidents as pedagogical resource.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.

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